Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Much Does A Pakistani Wedding Cost In The Us


In this roundup of photos I show you my swap made with passion to my friends of the legendary group Let 'oswap

this was a swap that I really enjoyed the theme was "First cold" made for Barby : covered with a pillow inside, the snowman is so tender - then a shoe a bit ' charming - the tile to the deck

this is the tile in particular, was Barby the idea of \u200b\u200bexchanging gifts that somehow had something we did with our hands, what do you have opted for tile so when we have received from all the friends that we will participate in a warm blanket of friendship

the jewelry style Tilda - tablecloth and cups in-door and the door bread the theme was "pink" so I embroidered roses where c ' were and I used cloth with roses theme for all the lovely Tamara


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