Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Crawling On Back

are here!

With great joy I can finally announce the birth of baby Simon!
E 'come with as many as eight days of delay to 3.26 for Saturday, February 20, 2011 ... the chick is finally with us!
Now we're home and we are living in these early days with him, is very tender ... here are some photos of the chick Simone!

And here ready to return home from the hospital!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Little Sister Wrestling


We are always here ... this couch potato is not born yet, it is beautiful warm in your belly! But there my beautiful escape, sooner or later (hopefully sooner rather than later) you will come out and then if you hear me ... ah!
In these last few evenings I felt some pain in, but then they always gone to sleep and then going contractions were not right ... I try to distract myself by doing a little 'to everything but I just really want to go out and to feel lighter and now with this mega Big Belly and the fact that it may come at any moment is more complicated!
Now everything is ready, I am quite ready .... just missing you!
(steal this image from Mom Blog Semicolon because I would say that makes it a good idea!)

Hundai Accent Blueprint

Fast I present to you fast
two tenants
moooooooooolto nice and ....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grilled Cheese From Hooters

are always here ...

... and always in style matryoshka!
The chick just does not listen to me, not even Valentine chose to be born and now I have even the slightest symptom ... but when the heck wants to go out?
To pass the time, after I got tired of sewing and crocheting to do, yesterday I did a couple of buns Valentine's Day, here they are ...
a care ...
and one with our initials ... I also made a third with the S made with olives, but my he has eaten before I could photograph it!
now here we are "overdue" for 3 days and needless to say what I see now that the chick is born ... in fact I try not to worry and be patient but it is not easy!
This is just a naughty boy, I already put to the test even before birth ... but I'm not so good my escape, sooner or later you have to be born, and I sincerely hope sooner than later!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

03 Lincoln Ls Firing Order

time ago I put the photo on the cover made for my little Francis, but I have them involtariamente canceled, now set them down again is the greatest work I've done and the first with the patchwork tecica

Mouthwashes That Contain Chlorine Dioxide

He said the dismissal of Benjamin Counties

E 'August 16 1943.
Prisoners are placed on board the British ship SS Benjamin Counties.
Toledo is already on board for more than thirty days.
Think back to all the events of recent months. The retreat from Tobruk to Tunisia; mileage in the dust, the cold desert nights, meals suffered.
Then the capture by the British, on 11 May 1943.
concern for their lives, especially the applicant thought of his loved ones waiting for him to Victory: father, mother, the beloved sisters. But the relief could possibly come out of the war waged by a regime detested.

Day after day, the events were continuing at a rapid pace. The British were in no hurry to evacuate all the prisoners from the war zone.

On 15 June, together with other comrades of the field 17 of Casablanca, Toledo had been taken on board this ship that the Americans had succumbed to the British Navy. From Casablanca
the ship had been en route to Bone, Algeria; other prisoners to be loaded. Now they were already on board in 1800, their destination was distant America.
America. How many villagers had already left, in time of peace for that country! Won by the need a decent life that did not allow the Sicilian countryside.
He was, however, his father had been able to keep the studies up to the third started. Toledo and had repaid with a profit rather than good, and had learned to work the wood with the precision that stemmed from the simplicity with which he approaches to life.
Labour had allowed the two sisters to become primary school teachers and he was proud. He had never complained, even though it was the only son of the family.

Shy but not introverted, now heard the stories of other prisoners just boarded.
He had heard that the next stage was Oran.

Initially, the roar of planes in the distance did not matter to anyone. Now they were prisoners, they were, should have been out of the game.

Then someone shouted at the bow. "I'm German! Attack."
for movement of men, a stunning blow caused by a torpedo dropped to hit the target, the ship lurches.
In a moment the panic assails people on board. It screams, running in all directions, someone is already in the water. There are those who cry, who remains paralyzed by fear.
Most are willing rush the lifeboats but the inability to calarle in water, the assembly, preventing the disruption to take consistent decisions. The ship embarks
water. On the bow, left, has opened a huge hole of 18 x 7 meters, holds No. 1 and 2 are affected counties and Benjamin leans forward. In this context
Toledo exception. His instinctive reflexive nature allows him to keep a cool head.
While most of his fellow running like mad, he goes to jackets and life buoys. Wearing them as instructed. Listen to the recommendations of the crew.
Meanwhile the commander is considering the situation. The first problem is the inclination of the ship. It should be back online. He decides to flood the holds 3 and 4 in order to return rudder and propeller below the waterline, and restore the navigability of the hull.

The operation was successful. It is estimated that there is no immediate danger of sinking, or rather, the ship reversed course and headed back towards the port of Bone.
Among the troops of prisoners, slowly back the calm, unfortunately 264 prisoners unaccounted for: the dead in the aftermath of the dismissal.
To Toledo continues on its way to the U.S. prison camps, is a story that will have a happy ending, but for the time passes a shadow of uncertainty and bewilderment in his eyes clear.

The history of the SS Benjamin Counties can be read here.
I got there thanks to the guidance of prof. Flavio Giovanni Conti author of "War of Iprigionieri Italian: 1940 -1945" - Edizioni Il Mulino - 1986.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mandingo And The Wives

the attention of Mr.

Dear Tenant, I remind you that
TODAY February 12, 2011 its lease expires at the small studio with all the comforts (central heating, water bed, including meals and lodging). Please therefore vacate the apartment as soon as possible, please leave everything in good condition and in particular the exit door.
E 'was a really good tenant and we look forward to meet you in person.

The landlady

PS If you do not leave the area within a few days we will have to provide for the eviction!

Mt Left Eye Keeps Watering

countdown chick (chick now we are at -1!)

... Here we are today! And to think it would be a truly spectacular time to be born, a beautiful date palindrome (I think in history there are no more than a few dozen beginning of time) but I know that the chick has not yet decided ... he pushes pushes on the left side, in my opinion has not yet figured out where the exit!
To move a bit ', the situation today I went shopping, I cooked and kneaded, then sono andata in un bellissimo vivaio e mi sono fatta anche un piccolo regalino:
una bella scatolina per il thè con tutti gli scomparti per mettere le tisane e gli infusi... non ce l'avevo e questa è davvero carina!
Domani è la data presunta del parto, quella che per nove mesi ho immaginato ... è pazzesco come il tempo sia volato!
Non vedo davvero l'ora di vedere questo pulcino ... chissà come avrà gli occhi, i capelli, chissà come sarà quel piedino che mi pianta sul fianco, chissà come sarà il suo nasino ... uh uh ora basta che mi vengono le lacrimucce!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cannot Uninstall Premiere Pro 1.5

Can I Eat Egg When I Have Gastrite Problem

countdown (and we are at -2!)

Eccomi qui anche oggi!
Ho deciso che non sarò più impatient, the chick will come out when he wants so we should feel comfortable and relaxed these days ... and maybe do something for others who are close to me!
So, given that the mother was jealous of these slippers that I made for the chick, I decided to do it for her and this morning I made up the measures (by the excellent proportions "Muzzano" with the baby shoes). .. here is the result of my work:
slippers for her! And felt-soled fabric upper ... the ... has been tested and said they are very comfortable! But wait for the chick to use them!
This is a picture of a bit 'old but I wanted to post ... is breakfast the day after the baby shower ... I mean all Avanzini them to us here is that things are divided, and it came out, a wonderful breakfast and all in blue!
Today I needed to finish a bit 'cold cuts, and so I made this quiche svuotafrigo beautiful, we love so much on the pies and always eat you!
As you can see I'm not with our hands ... But get out on the chick up!
They told me tonight that you do the quarter moon that night ... good? Hopefully because the moon is the next 18 ... trooooooopo late!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best Seats Edinburgh Playhouse

countdown (and we are at -3)

Here the days go by and not a leaf stirs all ... tell me that my belly has dropped even more, but it is nice bimboSimo quiet ... that is the evening dance moves and breakdancing as well (to the delight of my ribs), but there are signs that the birth is imminent!
Today my mom told me that when I was born I had not given the slightest signal, in fact she was out shopping (now explains why I like it so much!) And broke the water ... I was born and in just 2 hours ... this is chick you like me!
To pass the time ... today I went Ikea here explain to me how can I go to buy two rugs from € 1.99 (one for swimming and one for the kitchen) and go out with a bunch of cazzatine ! In there, there must be of magnetic waves that interfere with my brain and make me look like a whole series of little things needed, such as:
not want to buy the cover of batteries for the baby from 2.99 €
and slippers for Ikea and M. I? are also discounted with the IKEA FAMILY! (We already but you never know, you could eat)
and we do miss the opener again? the old one is not working well and then is bad
Well the placemats for breakfast I have at home are all ruined, they are beautiful and only cost 1.99 ... impossible not to take
and the scrap of fabric with 30% reduction must be mine!
as I did to live up to now without the green plan for the bathroom shelf?

Ikea here I live by myself so, what can I do?
today I reiterate: you are born pure chick eh! We're all curious to meet you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Else Is Good For Cold Sores

countdown (and we have to -4)

Here I am ... we are still here after some pain in one inside the other ... and this morning I also went to water aerobics to try to move something, but for now all quiet!
'm really absurd because the pain in hope that when I pass because I take fear of childbirth, when I did not want them because I can not wait to be born ... what can I do?!
Anyway I repeat: chick here go out because your wardrobe is increasing day by day, here is the news today:
you remember the Japanese sleeping bag a few days ago? Well I was not satisfied with the red piping and something was missing so I made him that way:
That I redid the edge with this stuff I cut into squares and blue in felt and hand sewed a Triceratops (which we all take for a rhinoceros) and a t-rex.
And then other shoes, this time it's felt slippers with soles and uppers of textile, have the rubber band and are so nice that now I would like to make a couple for me too! I just have to find a way to calculate the measures well (these are size 6-9 months) ... them was pretty easy and very funny!
I hope to give you good news soon!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wedding Theme Black Ivory Red

countdown (and we are -5)

Here we go ... now there are only 5 days and here is yet quiet ... chick has paid the rent until Saturday and I know that is not the first unnail!
But in the meantime I'm not with our hands ... first Sunday, I made a nice American breakfast, brunch or rather the 11 that were seen with the pancakes ... who are good with honey or nutella!
Then I made these shoes for the chick with the felt, I'm really nice and tender, and was the first time I used this material as you can see ... the seams are very craft but the result I like it anyway! Yes I know, I do not know what to do!
And then I made some cookies and yogurt that was there already guess' what shape I made them?
Hehe ... Chicks are born to be I do not know what I invent today!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lupus Constant Herpes Outbreak

Christmas gifts

with a bit of delay include the photos of the little thoughts that I did for Christmas


other thoughts