Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mouthwashes That Contain Chlorine Dioxide

He said the dismissal of Benjamin Counties

E 'August 16 1943.
Prisoners are placed on board the British ship SS Benjamin Counties.
Toledo is already on board for more than thirty days.
Think back to all the events of recent months. The retreat from Tobruk to Tunisia; mileage in the dust, the cold desert nights, meals suffered.
Then the capture by the British, on 11 May 1943.
concern for their lives, especially the applicant thought of his loved ones waiting for him to Victory: father, mother, the beloved sisters. But the relief could possibly come out of the war waged by a regime detested.

Day after day, the events were continuing at a rapid pace. The British were in no hurry to evacuate all the prisoners from the war zone.

On 15 June, together with other comrades of the field 17 of Casablanca, Toledo had been taken on board this ship that the Americans had succumbed to the British Navy. From Casablanca
the ship had been en route to Bone, Algeria; other prisoners to be loaded. Now they were already on board in 1800, their destination was distant America.
America. How many villagers had already left, in time of peace for that country! Won by the need a decent life that did not allow the Sicilian countryside.
He was, however, his father had been able to keep the studies up to the third started. Toledo and had repaid with a profit rather than good, and had learned to work the wood with the precision that stemmed from the simplicity with which he approaches to life.
Labour had allowed the two sisters to become primary school teachers and he was proud. He had never complained, even though it was the only son of the family.

Shy but not introverted, now heard the stories of other prisoners just boarded.
He had heard that the next stage was Oran.

Initially, the roar of planes in the distance did not matter to anyone. Now they were prisoners, they were, should have been out of the game.

Then someone shouted at the bow. "I'm German! Attack."
for movement of men, a stunning blow caused by a torpedo dropped to hit the target, the ship lurches.
In a moment the panic assails people on board. It screams, running in all directions, someone is already in the water. There are those who cry, who remains paralyzed by fear.
Most are willing rush the lifeboats but the inability to calarle in water, the assembly, preventing the disruption to take consistent decisions. The ship embarks
water. On the bow, left, has opened a huge hole of 18 x 7 meters, holds No. 1 and 2 are affected counties and Benjamin leans forward. In this context
Toledo exception. His instinctive reflexive nature allows him to keep a cool head.
While most of his fellow running like mad, he goes to jackets and life buoys. Wearing them as instructed. Listen to the recommendations of the crew.
Meanwhile the commander is considering the situation. The first problem is the inclination of the ship. It should be back online. He decides to flood the holds 3 and 4 in order to return rudder and propeller below the waterline, and restore the navigability of the hull.

The operation was successful. It is estimated that there is no immediate danger of sinking, or rather, the ship reversed course and headed back towards the port of Bone.
Among the troops of prisoners, slowly back the calm, unfortunately 264 prisoners unaccounted for: the dead in the aftermath of the dismissal.
To Toledo continues on its way to the U.S. prison camps, is a story that will have a happy ending, but for the time passes a shadow of uncertainty and bewilderment in his eyes clear.

The history of the SS Benjamin Counties can be read here.
I got there thanks to the guidance of prof. Flavio Giovanni Conti author of "War of Iprigionieri Italian: 1940 -1945" - Edizioni Il Mulino - 1986.


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