Thursday, December 23, 2010

Use Of Ativan Contraindicated65?

Images from the past - the marc Christmas 1982

Once upon a time the old video recording format called Super-8, and this one movie, filmed in Christmas 1982, my parents where they appear, those of Maria Teresa and his grandmother, Teresa, seemed destined to oblivion.
Then a few years ago, g hanks to the intervention of a couple dear friends of M. and FC (I'm sure they do not want to be named), the rescue took place in VHS format. But even these records
analog are designed to wear over time ...
Today it was time for me to scan all the personal records in formats compatible with today's devices.

So right behind the Christmas 2010, these images back to life. The acceleration of the Super-8 makes a bit 'funny, as in silent films of yesteryear. The small Marianna, spupazzata from side to side looks like a rag doll.
Click the above link to YouTube.


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