Sunday, January 23, 2011

Basketball Warm Up Song List

La maquina de los sueños

Fira the Festa de Sant Pau

21/01/2011 - 25/01/2011
The dream machine

The dream machine is in operation only for today in San Pol de Mar, at the Ermita during the festival dedicated to the conversion of St. Paul (La fira de Sant Pau). Participants must be only those who go from zero to one hundred and fifty years.
Each drawer is ready to take your dream and you are ready to share other visitors ?

Invitation To A Party At Neiman Marcus

cradles for the chick!

Today is cottage arrived in the beautiful heirloom cradle (is that where 29 years ago has stayed M., then its sister, then a lot of other children and for the last mini cousin Zoe ... that we have evicted poor but happy now sleeps in her bed!), here it is:
E 'wonderful, right?
I must point out that my only contribution is the big S crocheted you see at the bottom of the cradle, everything has been done on a smooth by Simon (you can read here Agofollia on his blog) is a magician of the sewing machine ... I would never have been able to do such a thing!
Ok now we are equipped ... chick but you're also a little quiet in the belly '!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Anaemia Pathophysiology

clear agreements ...

I asked the chick a favor: stay put for good good at least until the beginning of February! So I have time to prepare well for the little house on his arrival, a moment to relax after working throughout pregnancy and above all to sleep!
And I must say that for now is good, I say kicks (sometimes too strong!) Almost all day, and it makes me a little 'back pain but other than that I have no particular symptoms nor major inconvenience of this belly ... so for now just I can not complain!
To occupy the time that I have now (never had so much time!) Obviously a bit 'cook, in fact, here's a lot' of mascarpone muffins I made yesterday:
are fluffy soft and easy to do, here's the recipe (cake) of Marbe :
  • 150 grams of flour 75 grams of starch
  • 50 g butter 1 egg
  • 100 gr sugar 125 gr mascarpone cheese 1 tablespoon baking
  • 100 ml of milk
  • zest grated lemon
a pinch of salt Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy showing, then add the melted butter and the mascarpone and then the milk. At this point, add flour, starch and yeast, lemon rind and pinch of salt.
Put the mixture into muffin cups and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
Result fragrant and soft!

This weekend my he was celebrated by his friends who have organized an Excursion with a lot of night in lodge and dinner (of course highly ethyl, are boys, we can do it!). Obviously had a great time, and did a nice gift: a carrier for the chick!
have made him wear as they prepared for him and have built a (rather disturbing!) Simulator baby ... But they were cute too!
Here is my M. while training for future walks!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tooheys Old In The U.s.a.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Solve An Annuity Equation

still baby shower ...

the table is decorated by her friends at the baby shower! wonderful?!
We see in detail: the "hearts of Mom" \u200b\u200bmade by Lara, cookies and tarts stuffed with nutella
cake, Virna, hazelnuts covered with chocolate or blue flowers
The "biscuit the gentle awakening ", from Lara (which work well as an architect makes the wedding planner!)
The" cooked cream "of the panna cotta covered with tiny blue and cream with almond topping delicious ... !
The "spumini Angel" made by Simon, muffins with honey and delicate vanilla
The "chocolate treats, made by Laura marzipan and decorated with blue
Here I am reading the letter cards that I have written ...
And here I'm singing "The dance of Simon" (song guessed) ... there is also a video of the live performance but fortunately not yet apparso su facebook nè da nessuna parte... meno male!

Qui stavo facendo uno dei giochi, cercavo di indovinare da bendata uno dei regalini!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boat Asir Conditionbtu Calculator

Baby Shower!

Questo sabato le mie amiche più care mi hanno fatto una bellissima sorpresa: il baby shower per il pulcino! Una di loro mi ha invitata a casa sua per prendere un thè ma quando sono arrivata suono alla porta e sento: parola d'ordine! Io ho detto: ehm... Thea Party? Simone? Apriti sesamo? Noooo... ma la porta si è aperta lo stesso e loro hanno detto : Baby Showeeeeer!
In pratica mi hanno organizzato una festa a sorpresa, hanno decorato la casa e la tavernetta all in blue and each of them brought a treat all strictly on the issues of blue! For each candy have given a name, like "mother's heart", "spumine angel" ...
If I pass a few photos will show you them!
Then they organized the games for the first blindfolded me and gave me the gifts that I would have won if they guessed ... and so I won a bottle, a pacifier, 4 Bodyna different and colorful products for the baby dell'erbolario a portaciuccio ... so many nice touches!
And look what a nice shirt, there are pictures of me and M. small and the name of the chick ... how to say as we see from these 2 is out! And every
I also guessed that once gave some advice taken from the "perfect Mother's Kit" (of their own invention!): Tips and attached little thoughts that you see below!
Mirror: remember that you are important
Candela will always be the light in your child's life
herbal tea every now and stop all relaxed
Puzzle: to remind you that you will always be a key piece of your child's life
Diary: thoughts and remember to write these surprising moments
Tire: better moms also make mistakes, not need to make a fuss
handkerchief to dry the tears of your child and even some
kisses for you and your baby because you need both
Then there was the game " Guess the girth "armed with light blue ribbon, each of them cut the ribbon and try to guess the circumference of my life (or whatever it is now, that is my life chick) at the widest point, and oh there was a wrong that default! I have all made much bigger (I am a bit 'offense this hehe) and what was wrong had to undergo more penance: I was blindfolded and I had to fit it into a homogenized (er in the end it was a bit 'in your face, you and oh!).
Then they took me in the karaoke room where they had assembled and they made me sing in the old farm, quaqua dance, dance of Simon (he could be missing?) And-I confess-even a couple of songs from Pausini (M . does not want to say that the chick will become gay if song Pausini) ... a song is also a video, it will depend on me, will never see anyone! But I doubt it!
Then we went together to eat pizza ... so it was a really beautiful day, what is more surprising and I would like to thank one by one all my friends who were great: Azzurra Simon, Lara, Virna, Evelyn, Vivian, Anne, George (another), Ross and Laura .... that is, you are legendary!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bang And Look My Wife

Award or the Road

Sometimes it is already difficult to keep motivation high when dealing with a project you want, a fortiori it is even more problematic when, for some reason the project no longer meets their expectations.
When I say "project" does not necessarily mean the work I (also) is part of the discourse also exercise (go for a run twice a week) or control the quantity and quality of food eaten, or the year school or a nice little house to be restored;
In fact we have two different ways to address situations.
The first is to focus on the final result: "prize."
For example, at the end of the project will have again my weight or I will have passed the final exams and I can choose my future, I finally retired and can devote more often to my passions, my house will be new home.
Find the Prize is to "see" that my life will be, in that aspect, the better, I will have benefits.
The second approach focuses the "road".
seems nice to say, but in reality it means focusing on fatigue that you must pay, on time and never goes missing (maybe doing a countdown infinity), to the regret other solutions that could be better ...
Perhaps it is naive and simplistic to think of being able to concentrate them only on the "premium" and is no longer true that the two are both alive, and certainly give priority to cultivate the first of two completely changes the quality of everyday life and in the end infuenza positively the achievement of the objective (avoid the "dealer and cuckold").
There were other times I read that our minds need good thoughts, must be encouraged! If I constantly repeat: "I'll make it" 'It is too tiring, "" How boring, "" If I had ... " you miss the result.
Alternatively, as a small drop of water that eventually builds cathedrals, repeating positive phrases should increase the motivation .
We all tend to avoid pain and seek pleasure is a natural law.
For this reason, secret of motivation is all in how you choose to categorize the choice that stands before you.
If you put your project in the box "pain" , your mental system will do everything to avoid it. But if you can move it in the box "pleasure" have generated an endless source of motivation to reach your goal!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Make Sayfree Pads

neveeeee ....

... Here we are back home after four days spent in the mountains! Unfortunately M. was able to ski one day because everyone else has always always always snowed ... here is what we saw from the window of the attic:
lot of snow! I could not go skiing for obvious reasons I enjoyed a little 'rest and the warmth of the house, but we also made some nice stroll in the snow!
Today is my last day of work, officially on Wednesday ... and yes I will be on maternity leave after working throughout the eighth month now I chase, I can not longer continue to stay in the office ... I must say that on the one hand I'm very happy because finally I can devote your time to prepare things for the chick (suitcase almost done, almost!) and also to relax a little, the other already know that a little 'work I fail because all in all I like (I know I'm a lone voice hehe!)
To greet my colleagues today, I brought a truckload of muffin-flavored whipped cream and chocolate, this is what remains after the first attack (there were two layers , it has remained one!)
And yesterday, I had already turned on the oven for muffins, I did something that I know that M. like a lot, lamb with baked potatoes!
The recipe is very simple (and very good result!), Are:
  • lamb pieces (about 600 gr I)
  • potatoes (I 6 medium potatoes) 1 onion
  • a bit 'of peas
  • little tomato sauce (ketchup I)
  • grated Parmesan (about 100 gr I)
  • salt, oil and water
I cut the potatoes into pieces after washing them and I mingled in a pan with chopped onion thin, then I added a bit 'of frozen peas, and then I put the lamb pieces.
I gave a dash of ketchup on everything, then I put parmesan cheese and a nice round of extra virgin olive oil. Finally, I added water to half the pan, and I baked in ventilated mode at 200 degrees for about 1 hour and 20 minutes ... really very good result!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can Wisconsin Dnr Issue Underage Drinking

Rather, let others light

On January 5, 1980 was a Saturday and in the hills around Genoa there was snow.
I remember it so well because that is the day when I'm married to Maria Teresa.
in waiting in front of the Church of Torrazza I felt in that state of mind which is at the same time serenity and awareness, but with all the senses thesis: I was beaming. Then, led by Tony, you got the machine from which you fell my future bride was beautiful, she looked around, crossing the gaze of those present with his tender smile and a bit 'embarrassed and with eyes closed and slit firm came to me.
Together, side by side, we entered the Church and from that moment everything else is gone. We have forgotten the crowd of friends, relatives and friends who accompanied us. There were only Maria Teresa, Enzo, and with them, Father Guido, a priest friend and confidante who had accompanied us on the path of our fifteen-month engagement, the one who knows all our desires and impulses but also our hidden fears. There were
and our gestures, our own, but also his words. There was action in Sacramento.

How many things must be prepared before you get married! We had a little 'fear that the whole outline could distract from the essential, but perhaps, after thirty-one, we admit to a bit' too much in the zeal. Anyway, so we were there and we left.

We want to tell the guests? The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to list it sounded absurd, many, many friends with whom to share the joy and as the money for a mega party were not there, then better to simplify: to toast all together without too formal.
photos? Are those taken by friends, Mary Teresa did not want professionals that we could run around during the mass.
the honeymoon? The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling the world or go to exotic places was not even taken into consideration and was not even in fashion. We wanted to be together, period. A stay at Viola S. Gree (Cuneo), at the home of a family of friends who lent us a free house in the mountains was the best that could be desired, and to get there - we were still without a license - since Tony was willing to accompany us.
On favors, we had to yield to the wishes of our parents, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot distributing them to family and friends was something really incomprehensible. Certainly we've made them suffer for our rigidity. I had also balked demanding that my mom does not wear fur new, so we ended up arguing.
short of us interested in their own little outdoor party.
choose the songs, that yes, the readings of the Mass that we felt best fit our project to life, and prepare the Little Red House, in the Creuse uphill via Salvator Rosa, who would have accepted.
The choice of place to perform the ceremony was obliged, in Torrazza we had known and there, close, bar the ACL, with amazement, I had declared my love before a glass of water bright.

How often told, we had the feeling of being about to commit, before God, an important step: love forever, in good times and bad times and the desire to have a beautiful family.
very, very naive, we wanted to be "salt of the earth" and "light unto the nations" (sic)
But Don Guido, who we could see in his homily, he had suggested a different attitude: " Rather, let others light " Sincerely I must admit that we understand later, after some years, when the vicissitudes of life (especially painful) we have "worked" giving us greater humility and a belief that there was already enough to change ourselves.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Helena Bonham Carter Favourite

for the "only useful things" here's to you ...

... What I "crochet" in these days when I was a little 'sickly:
a big S on the cradle to hang orange chick!
Pending the cradle I have placed on the stage, there is also pretty true? All cicciosa soft and without any practical use ... but it made me feel good ... although maybe I should put myself to do something more useful, like ... the suitcase for the hospital !!!... I have not prepared, they are just awful!
Yesterday I even opened the year with a culinary tart apricot jam:
decorated with flowers and rocking horses ... beginning with the theme baby ehehe!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Does Hernia Cause You To Have To Pee Alot

Sant Pol, que hora es?

With Anthony, who has just returned from Barcelona and Sant Pol de Mar, also came a small gift from Mario and Dario.
It 's a sundial in miniature. The sundial is one of the symbols of Sant Pol, in addition to the hermitage, of course.
In reality it is a good joke.
It is said that once at St. Pol had built a beautiful sundial but unfortunately the rain and bad weather had soon grown old.
The villagers then came together to find a solution and who approved the idea was to build a broad canopy over it to protect her from bad weather.
Unfortunately, they realized that the roof would have prevented the sun to create his shadow against the wall and then the sundial would become useless losing his serve to indicate the time.
Since then all the inhabitants of neighboring countries when they see someone of Sant Pol, they said
"Six of Sant Pol, what time is it?"
As you can see the small sundial that I have received has its roof.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Much Are Knightsbridge Dolls Worth

The first thought when you wake up in the new year

morning when we woke up and I Mariateresa and wished each other Happy New Year, we realized that something was missing ...
OK, we are aware of all the difficulties, anxieties, worries of the past year. Rightly, we hope that the next will be better ... But we want to thank
(God) for those beautiful things, that there have been?
still under the covers, we have devoted about ten minutes.
We started from our thirtieth wedding anniversary and the wonderful Baltic cruise we did in May with some friends, and the degree of Marianna and Dario, Antonio's license and the work of Benedict, the new home in San Pol de Mar the Nativity in the hermitage Marianna and Dario, my trip to Berlin with Antonio, I still have my job, and so on. Now
not ungrateful for what life has given us, we look forward.