Baby Shower! Questo sabato le mie amiche più care mi hanno fatto una bellissima sorpresa: il baby shower per il pulcino! Una di loro mi ha invitata a casa sua per prendere un thè ma quando sono arrivata suono alla porta e sento: parola d'ordine! Io ho detto: ehm... Thea Party? Simone? Apriti sesamo? Noooo... ma la porta si è aperta lo stesso e loro hanno detto : Baby Showeeeeer!
In pratica mi hanno organizzato una festa a sorpresa, hanno decorato la casa e la tavernetta all in blue and each of them brought a treat all strictly on the issues of blue! For each candy have given a name, like "mother's heart", "spumine angel" ...
If I pass a few photos will show you them!
Then they organized the games for the first blindfolded me and gave me the gifts that I would have won if they guessed ... and so I won a bottle, a pacifier, 4 Bodyna different and colorful products for the baby dell'erbolario a portaciuccio ... so many nice touches!
And look what a nice shirt, there are pictures of me and M. small and the name of the chick ... how to say as we see from these 2 is out! And every
I also guessed that once gave some advice taken from the "perfect Mother's Kit" (of their own invention!): Tips and attached little thoughts that you see below!
Mirror: remember that you are important Candela will always be the light in your child's life
herbal tea every now and stop all relaxed
Puzzle: to remind you that you will always be a key piece of your child's life
Diary: thoughts and remember to write these surprising moments
Tire: better moms also make mistakes, not need to make a fuss
handkerchief to dry the tears of your child and even some
kisses for you and your baby because you need both
Then there was the game " Guess the girth "armed with light blue ribbon, each of them cut the ribbon and try to guess the circumference of my life (or whatever it is now, that is my life chick) at the widest point, and oh there was a wrong that default! I have all made much bigger (I am a bit 'offense this hehe) and what was wrong had to undergo more penance: I was blindfolded and I had to fit it into a homogenized (er in the end it was a bit 'in your face, you and oh!).
Then they took me in the karaoke room where they had assembled and they made me sing in the old farm, quaqua dance, dance of Simon (he could be missing?) And-I confess-even a couple of songs from Pausini (M . does not want to say that the chick will become gay if song Pausini) ... a song is also a video, it will depend on me, will never see anyone! But I doubt it!
Then we went together to eat pizza ... so it was a really beautiful day, what is more surprising and I would like to thank one by one all my friends who were great: Azzurra Simon, Lara, Virna, Evelyn, Vivian, Anne, George (another), Ross and Laura .... that is, you are legendary!