Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can Wisconsin Dnr Issue Underage Drinking

Rather, let others light

On January 5, 1980 was a Saturday and in the hills around Genoa there was snow.
I remember it so well because that is the day when I'm married to Maria Teresa.
in waiting in front of the Church of Torrazza I felt in that state of mind which is at the same time serenity and awareness, but with all the senses thesis: I was beaming. Then, led by Tony, you got the machine from which you fell my future bride was beautiful, she looked around, crossing the gaze of those present with his tender smile and a bit 'embarrassed and with eyes closed and slit firm came to me.
Together, side by side, we entered the Church and from that moment everything else is gone. We have forgotten the crowd of friends, relatives and friends who accompanied us. There were only Maria Teresa, Enzo, and with them, Father Guido, a priest friend and confidante who had accompanied us on the path of our fifteen-month engagement, the one who knows all our desires and impulses but also our hidden fears. There were
and our gestures, our own, but also his words. There was action in Sacramento.

How many things must be prepared before you get married! We had a little 'fear that the whole outline could distract from the essential, but perhaps, after thirty-one, we admit to a bit' too much in the zeal. Anyway, so we were there and we left.

We want to tell the guests? The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to list it sounded absurd, many, many friends with whom to share the joy and as the money for a mega party were not there, then better to simplify: to toast all together without too formal.
photos? Are those taken by friends, Mary Teresa did not want professionals that we could run around during the mass.
the honeymoon? The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling the world or go to exotic places was not even taken into consideration and was not even in fashion. We wanted to be together, period. A stay at Viola S. Gree (Cuneo), at the home of a family of friends who lent us a free house in the mountains was the best that could be desired, and to get there - we were still without a license - since Tony was willing to accompany us.
On favors, we had to yield to the wishes of our parents, the idea of \u200b\u200bnot distributing them to family and friends was something really incomprehensible. Certainly we've made them suffer for our rigidity. I had also balked demanding that my mom does not wear fur new, so we ended up arguing.
short of us interested in their own little outdoor party.
choose the songs, that yes, the readings of the Mass that we felt best fit our project to life, and prepare the Little Red House, in the Creuse uphill via Salvator Rosa, who would have accepted.
The choice of place to perform the ceremony was obliged, in Torrazza we had known and there, close, bar the ACL, with amazement, I had declared my love before a glass of water bright.

How often told, we had the feeling of being about to commit, before God, an important step: love forever, in good times and bad times and the desire to have a beautiful family.
very, very naive, we wanted to be "salt of the earth" and "light unto the nations" (sic)
But Don Guido, who we could see in his homily, he had suggested a different attitude: " Rather, let others light " Sincerely I must admit that we understand later, after some years, when the vicissitudes of life (especially painful) we have "worked" giving us greater humility and a belief that there was already enough to change ourselves.


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