Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bang And Look My Wife

Award or the Road

Sometimes it is already difficult to keep motivation high when dealing with a project you want, a fortiori it is even more problematic when, for some reason the project no longer meets their expectations.
When I say "project" does not necessarily mean the work I (also) is part of the discourse also exercise (go for a run twice a week) or control the quantity and quality of food eaten, or the year school or a nice little house to be restored;
In fact we have two different ways to address situations.
The first is to focus on the final result: "prize."
For example, at the end of the project will have again my weight or I will have passed the final exams and I can choose my future, I finally retired and can devote more often to my passions, my house will be new home.
Find the Prize is to "see" that my life will be, in that aspect, the better, I will have benefits.
The second approach focuses the "road".
seems nice to say, but in reality it means focusing on fatigue that you must pay, on time and never goes missing (maybe doing a countdown infinity), to the regret other solutions that could be better ...
Perhaps it is naive and simplistic to think of being able to concentrate them only on the "premium" and is no longer true that the two are both alive, and certainly give priority to cultivate the first of two completely changes the quality of everyday life and in the end infuenza positively the achievement of the objective (avoid the "dealer and cuckold").
There were other times I read that our minds need good thoughts, must be encouraged! If I constantly repeat: "I'll make it" 'It is too tiring, "" How boring, "" If I had ... " you miss the result.
Alternatively, as a small drop of water that eventually builds cathedrals, repeating positive phrases should increase the motivation .
We all tend to avoid pain and seek pleasure is a natural law.
For this reason, secret of motivation is all in how you choose to categorize the choice that stands before you.
If you put your project in the box "pain" , your mental system will do everything to avoid it. But if you can move it in the box "pleasure" have generated an endless source of motivation to reach your goal!


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